Do you have the locked keys car problem at this time? Don’t worry about this issue anymore. Our website will offer you the easiest solution just for free! This solution works on any automobile brand worldwide.

Locked Keys Car Problem
Did you forget your car keys in your auto? Your car is locked and you can’t reach your keys anymore? Do you think to break the glass just to unlock the car?
Those are the problems that any driver in the world has from time to time in his experience in driving problems. Sometimes they are really cumbersome, especially if you don’t have much time to lose. But as the people are saying in the past thread are breaking on those places where they are thinnest!
If you decide to ask for help from some car specialist you need to pay some amount for his arrival and work. This amount of money can be very big especially if the specialist sees that you have some luxury automobile!
But I am so happy to deliver the news to you that now there is a free solution for the key issue and this problem finally stay in the past. At this time any from you can solve this.

Unlock Car With Locked Keys In Car Situation
So the information that all of you are waiting for. Our solution is an online sound code generator capable to generate any unlocked car code to unlock any automobile that has its keys inside. The generator is available for free downloading here on our website.
How does the unlock car generator work? It’s more than simple! Once our generator knows your car’s serial number it generates the original sound that your keys produce once you click on the unlock keys button to unlock your car. This sound you will get on your mobile phone and once you play the sound signal near your automobile – it’s unlocked again without any problem. Simple right?
To use our generator you must have:
- Mobile phone with internet connection
- Unique serial number that any automobile have it
Unlocking Steps
So first you must download the locked keys in the car generator on your mobile phone device. Then open the generator and fill in the serial number on the car which you have with locked keys and you want to see it unlocked.

Then click on the get sound code button. Wait about five minutes. The unlock sound code for unlocking the car will arrive on your cell phone. Then just click play near your car. You have your car unlocked!
Locked keys in the car aren’t a problem anymore right?