You were searching for a way how to fix the IMEI number on your cell phone but you didn’t find a workable IMEI fix tool until now! Good news for you folks because you just find the best free method.

On this page, you will get free solutions to your problem about fixing IMEI by software that is available for downloading from this page. Thanks to this service you will change the IMEI invalid status that your cell device has. No more IMEI null message screen for your cell phone once you use this procedure.
To go through the IMEI fix process successfully follow the guide that you have below in this text:

- Download the fix tool software on your computer device,
- Then install it on your device by pressing the install button,
- Once the installation part is finished click to open it,
- Then connect your cell phone device with your computer via USB connection,
- Press on the green FIX button when it become available,
- Your IMEI then is fixed from any problems or restrictions.
After this original procedure, you can use your mobile phone device without any problem. Your IMEI number is now valid and it has a new database in the first future carrier which services you will start to use.
The IMEI fix tool offers you the possibility to use a new IMEI number on the current cell device. This means that all data for your first IMEI number will be deleted permanently.
Fix Advantages
The Fix IMEI tool has a lot of advantages in comparison with some other tools that you can find by online searching. They are:
- Free Fix process
- Easy procedure
- Permanent solution
- Android supported
- iOS supported

You can feel all benefits from this process for free. Please just use this service only for unworkable cell phone devices because the software can sometime make secondary problems to your workable device.
You can also recommend this tool to all people that wondering how to fix the IMEI number on their cells.