Audi A4 Radio Code

If you spotted that your Audi A4 radio code needs an unlock code here are a few tips that may be useful for you.

Audi A4

Unlock Audi A4 Radio Code Generator

The second tip is to check for the unlock code. Every car radio ever produced comes with a car radio lock but the unlock code is also inevitably included in the package. The problem can arise if you are not the first person who owns that car radio code or if you were careless about the code and somehow lost it.

The third tip, after you determine that your car radio is locked and that you don’t have the unlock code, is to generate or calculate the code on your own. You can easily do this by using one of the many software tools.

These procedures are normally quick and simple and very often they are free of charge.

Since we are speaking of recommendation I must share that I have recently discovered the most recommended tool of the Audi A4 car radio entertainment units, the Audi A4 radio code generator. So, today I will dwell on the Audi A4 radio calculating a little bit more.

It would be nice to read this article through especially if your car radio is an Audi A4. There is nothing out of the ordinary about this tool, but it can be still useful to know the basic code calculating steps before you start anything.

Audi A4 Radio Code

How To Use The Generator

So it is always best to come prepared. The preparation for using this tool is in finding the serial code of your Audi A4 only. After you have the serial number you have made a huge step towards it. Generating the unlock code for your Audi A4 radio.

The second major step is downloading and installing the Audi A4 radio code generator. On the device of your choosing.

The last step is to fill in the mandatory fields of the software. Then hit the button that says “calculate”.

A4 Radio Code

So this is the most trustworthy tool that you will ever find online and for free. Do you ever need a reminder of the unlock code of your Audi A4? Just remember the generator.

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42 thoughts on “Audi A4 Radio Code

  1. Question it’s possible to get the code using the vin number of the car? because i dont have the serial# of the rsne unit

  2. Audi Chorus EU B7 Soul


    hello can you please generate the radio code for me thanks in advance

  3. Hi sorry to bother you im trying to get the code for my audi a4 b6 concert radio
    ser no : AUZ2Z3D1620037
    plz if you can help me i would really appreciate it.

  4. Boa noite preciso de ajuda o meu Audi ficou sem bateria não tem o código do radio, Audi A4 radio navigation plus com o nr AUZ1Z1Y4846160. OBRIGADO

    1. Hello
      Please i need the radio code :

      Serial number : AUZ2Z2B2729663
      Model : Chorus 8E0 035 152
      Audi A4 B6

      Thank you so much !!!

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