This is a brief guide that explains how to enter Daewoo radio code into your Daewoo radio unit.

There are many ways to enter a code into a device but some devices vary from others and the same thing is applicable to the code entering methods as well. So if for one Daewoo radio model you use one method of entering the code you will need a different approach for entering the code into a different Daewoo radio device.
Enter Daewoo Radio Code
Today there are numerous Daewoo radio brands and models and you might have to do a little research about how to enter the Daewoo radio code if the model of your Daewoo radio is not one of the most frequent ones. But, before going into all that trouble you might want to read about the most popular and common ways. Ways of entering the code.
If your Daewoo radio cannot accept the code in any of the suggested ways then you might want to contact the seller or the manufacturer. I hope that it will not come to that. Here is all you need to know about that part of the unlocking procedure. I truly hope that you will find these tips helpful and useful.
Tip number one! Check how your Daewoo radio can receive the digits of the code. You can either use one button on the Daewoo radio board or you can use multiple buttons each labeled with a single number.
Tip number two! Always wait for a second before you press the button or the digit for the second number of the code. Do that for the rest of the numbers until you have entered all the digits of the code.
Tip number three! Be very careful if you only have to use one button to enter all the numbers of the code. This normally refers to older Daewoo radio models but it is not excluded to newer brands as well.

I hope you will find these tips useful. You will manage to enter the Daewoo radio unlock code on your first go. The finest method to enter Daewoo radio code right?
can you help with a code
Nissan Juke (Daewoo radio)
Serial: DW3CN19101
Part : 28185 BX80A
Date : 13.12.11
hi help me pls
Nissan qashqai
Serial DW35N22650
Part 28185BH30D
Date 13.06.05
can you help with a code
part no:281853hn4c
can you help with a code
Nissan Note (Daewoo radio)
Serial: DW21N2512704BH30D
Part : 28185BH30D
Date : 02.04.2012